Key IMS considerations for managing and optimizing under Tailored Fit Pricing
Project and Program:
Application Development,
SHARE Kansas City 2024
Tailored Fit Pricing is a means of paying for IBM hardware and software
consumption on the mainframe. At a technical level, it can impact how operators,
system programmers, application developers, DBAs, and capacity planners need to
work. This session will explain some of challenges, provoke some thoughts within
the audience and suggest strategies to optimize performance and resources in a
Tailored Fit Pricing environment where there is no longer a Rolling 4-Hour
Average. For example, how can I track against my allocated annual baseline, what
is the change in MSU consumption month-to-month, how do I know which system
management tasks are adding value and which can be reduced, and how can I
determine which application improvements will have the largest impact? In this
session, we show you how to answer these questions and more.
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