10137: Bridging the Magic Kingdom of Mainframe: Infrastructure and Databases
Project and Program:
Service Delivery,
Operations Management & Automation
SHARE Orlando 2024,
It's the age old problem - is it the software or the infrastructure? A user
calls for help - the application is slow, but what's causing it? As a system
administrator, you need to determine whether it's the virtual machine, the code
or maybe it's the database. It could be one or more, but how do you know which
one? Your first inclination might be to call the DBA and get them to rule out
the database as the source while you investigate. But what if you could
immediately pinpoint the root cause anywhere in the stack and work
collaboratively with your DBA to resolve it? Currently, DBAs and system
administrators are on different ends of the same problem, and neither has
visibility into the other's domain. There's a divide between infrastructure and
databases that neither side can currently bridge. Get to see a bird eye view of
your infrastructure with DB's and there connection to other resources in a
graph. -- Presented by Jyotsna Chatradhi; Pavani Varakantam
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