I Get My CICS on Route Zowe ! Using Zowe for CICS Development, Administration, Automation and More !
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
SHARE Virtual Summit 2021,
Google for CICS development and traditionally you'll have been be presented with ISPF panels and blogs with CEMT, CEDA, and other 4 letter acronyms. This talk shows how that doesn't have to be the case, where Zowe's command line interface and VS Code extensions allow you to become productive with CICS using open, simple and familiar interfaces. The presentation will focus on how an experienced CICS developer can do their job using the Zowe CLI and VS Code extensions including building a devops pipeline in Jenkins and Travis using open source technology. The talk will also show how a developer who isn't a CICS expert can navigate their way around JCL, compilation, deployment using scripting and familiar automation tools.
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