Introduction to GTF trace - Swiss Army Knife in MVS Professional's Toolbox
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE in Pittsburgh 2014
Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) is a very powerful diagnostic tool available on every MVS systems. If used properly, it can be extremely helpful in diagnosing variety of program-specific or system-wide problems.
This session will provide you with everything you need to get started with GTF. It is targeted to both junior MVS professionals who do not have any prior knowledge of GTF, and also MVS veterans who seek to refresh and expand their knowledge of z/OS diagnostics and debugging tools.
The topics covered include: samples of what can be traced with GTF, customization, basic usage, output processing, and the usage of GTF together with Instruction Fetch (IF) SLIP MVS command. Practical examples will be provided to illustrate the GTF usage in various situations. The last part of the session will focus on reading and interpreting GTF output in IPCS.-Vlastimil Jedek-CA Technologies
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