LNL: Building Your Pipelines Is Not Enough - You Have To Measure, As Well
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events
SHARE Columbus 2022
If you Can''t Measure it, it does not Exist. This was a quote from my boss years
ago and at the time I did not get it. Now, years later, I understand where he
was coming from. Measuring standard KPI''s like the DORA 4 metrics are essential
parts of your DevOps pipelines that need to be built in from the beginning.
Without viable baseline metrics and continuous measurement, nothing built can be
seen. To the business, leadership and customers it effectively did not exist
unless I could measure it. But how do you go about measuring the effectiveness
of your DevOps offering and more importantly what KPI''s should you measure? Is
following the DORA 4 metrics the way to go or is there more to it? '€‹ '€‹ In this
talk we will discuss: '€‹ What are the DORA 4 metrics and why should I care'€‹ Do
DORA metrics work for mainframe applications and mainframe DevOps'€‹ Best
Practices for measuring KPI''s into your mainframe-inclusive DevOps pipeline'€‹ How
is my DevOps maturity tied to these KPI''s
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